Thursday, March 26, 2009

Extreme Sheep Art

I found this on Cute Overload.  It's amazing!

Friday, March 20, 2009

More F1 Promo Pics Coming Soon!

We've been working on a few more promo pics for tomorrow's Force One show here in EHT. I'll be posting them after the weekend.

In the meantime, here's a happy springtime photo of Baby Man meeting the mini Easter Bunny for the first time. We'll use this to celebrate the first day of spring, despite the snow we had this morning!

In other news we've both been working on our portfolios and E's is pretty well set. In fact he went on a "cold call" to our local baseball team to see about taking photos for them. They were very happy he stopped in and will most likely be using him for all sorts of things. Meanwhile I started printing my own portfolio sheets but of course I'm not happy with them (since mine are a little more involved than just printing one photo per page) so I will probably be redoing a few. Thankfully I didn't get too far. Once mine is done I'm going to start approaching local photographers to see if anyone needs any outside photoshop freelancers. I also do need to find a good (and cheap, if not free!) online portfolio site. At least in the meantime until I can get a real website done for us. Stay tuned - you never know when Calais Photography will finally have its own website!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Illustration Friday - Intricate

My first submission for Illustration Friday! I'm pretty excited to finally do this.

The topic is Intricate - when I saw that I immediately thought of henna / mendhi tattoos. That was my inspiration for these two paisleys.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Seems I'm not doing too well on one or two of my art goals! I haven't done Illustration Friday yet... need to get off my butt and do it already. It's been getting harder and harder lately to do much of anything - between being tired all the time and chasing baby man around the house (baby gates are in the very near future, once I find the certain types I'm looking for). But as the weather warms up I think we'll be spending more time outside and wandering; I'll be taking my sketchbook along for the ride!

On the positive side, I'm planning on taking baby man to the Rodin Museum on Friday. That is, if the weather holds up. It will be his first trip to an art museum!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I haven't watched The Bachelor in years, I think Mary and Byron's was the last season we had any interest in. Unfortunately today you can't avoid hearing about what happened last night on the finale and the "After the Final Rose" episode. I just have to say I think the whole thing is deplorable. It's bad enough to dump one girl for another just 6 weeks after proposing (nevermind the 30 girls he whittled down in the first place) but to involve your young son in the whole process is horrible. He isn't going to understand any of the hype and publicity stunts. The whole thing just makes me ill. If I had any inkling of wanting to watch any future seasons, this killed that interest once and for all. And that's all I have to say.

Monday, March 2, 2009

NWA Force One Pro-Wrestling Promo Pictures

We had a great night Saturday at the wrestling event. E got so many great shots, it was nice and bright in the high school gym (in Barnegat) that he was able to get some amazing photos. It was our first time really selling our photos too - at the last show E took a few copies with him and asked one of the vendors to sell them for him to see how they would sell. Three sold that day. We sold 6 on Saturday with requests for more wrestlers. Two wrestlers sold out with people asking if we had more. It's looking really promising! Seeing that it went so well I thought I'd share what we've been doing. E takes the wrestler's photo, I silhouette it and add the background, create a logo if the wrestler doesn't already have one and then add the F1 logo and our copyright.

Jason Gotti - "before" photo:

Jason Gotti - "after" photo (with his logo):

Repeat Offenders - "before" photo:

Repeat Offenders - "after" photo:

Millionaire Ted - "before" photo:

Millionaire Ted - "after" photo:

White Lotus - "before" photo:

White Lotus - "after" photo (with his logo):

Ryu Lee - "before" photo:

Ryu Lee - "after" photo:

Panther - "before" photo:

Panther - "after" photo:

Judas Young - "before" photo:

Judas Young - "after" photo:

We have a bunch more in the works and definitely need to print more of certain wrestlers who were specifically requested. I'm looking forward to the next show to see what sells this time!

It was a very busy day for us and it all went very well. In the morning E had an event at work where they made a boy with muscular dystrophy an honorary employee of the store. Baby man and I were there to take pictures of the event.

On a related note, baby man did great at the show. Unfortunately I did have to take him into the bathroom to change him one time - on the floor since it was a high school with no changing table in the bathroom - and he's terrified of public bathrooms. Ever since our trip to Long Island back in January and his experience in the bathroom at California Pizza Kitchen (really loud music and very echo-y) he has been so scared of toilets flushing in public bathrooms. Whenever we're at the mall we have to use the family bathroom, which I don't mind at all since it's nice and quiet and private. But that wasn't an option on Saturday so after his awful reaction I changed him behind my table instead - of course he decided to poop three times that night! Other than that he had a great time. He played and ate and watched everything. And of course he flirted with every female who paid any attention to him! As usual he fought going to sleep and didn't even act tired until it was all over, after 11pm. As soon as he was in the car, though, he was out.

I'll leave you with a dorky picture of me setting up our table.

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